Pearl Pendragon Publishing

Ideabooks – Notebooks for people with ideas

Create Your Own Comic Book – Scene Templates

Inspiration Create your own comic strip book. Let your imagination run wild. Who This Book is For This ideas book is for people who... have imagination have a story to tell love sharing their tales live life in full color have scenarios playing out in their heads are...

What’s Your Gambit? Chess Games Tracker Book

What's Your Gambit? Chess Game Tracker Our "What's Your Gambit? Chess Game Tracker” book is a handy companion to the game of chess. You list the moves both players make for every game. Contents There is information on the board, layout, pieces and the basic moves of...

Poppy Dot Grid Notebook

Inspiration This cover image is inspired by abstract poppies blown in the wind. Who This Book is For This notebook is for people who... love poppies want to be inspired love flowers in general talk to flowers have ideas are kindhearted Construction Dot grid, 120...

My Crochet Pattern Ideas Book

Contents My Crochet Design Ideas Book contains crochet pattern prompts to capture your crochet patterns, details and anything else. You can add your own patterns or those you love from others. Each crochet pattern blank series has eight pages per pattern for you to...

Angel Choir Dot Grid Journal

Angel Choir Dot Grid Notebook Inspiration This cover image is inspired by angel choirs singing with, no doubt, glorious angelic voices. Hallelujah!   Who This Book is For This notebook is for people who... love angels want to be inspired love stained glass...

New Moon Wishing – A self-care guide for wishful thinkers

Contents Our New Moon Wishing - a self-care guide for wishful thinkers contains pages that you fill in with your New Moon wishes each month. There are "New Moon in zodiac sign" prompts to help you align your wished with the current New Moon position. Additionally,...

Blossoms Dot Grid Journals

Contents Our Blossoms dot grid journals come in a handy medium size (6" x 9") which is perfect for everyday use at your desk, and easily pops into your bag. We offer the Blossoms journal in three colorways which are remiscient of a Jacobean color palette of dusky...

Inspiration for Creatives

As inspiration strikes is a phrase that embodies the meaning of this site.

That ideas and inspration can strike you at any time is a well known fact.

You may be in the shower or mindlessly waiting for the light to go green, and that’s when you get a brilliant idea.

This is the time to reach for your Pendragon ideas book.


Are you Creative?

Yes, I believe you are creative, as every human is.

Look what we have achieved in this world.

Everything that has been made on earth was by someone being creative.

Now, perhaps you won’t design a spaceship or a cure for cancer, but you are creative and you can tap into this natural way of being.

Children are naturally creative, give them a plain sheet of paper and some crayons and off they go.

Adults, not so much.



Programmmed Minds

Typically we are programmed by our family, friends and society to behave in a certain way.

We get an education, find a mate, get married and raise a family, whilst working at a mind numbing nine-to-five job that drains the life out of us.

Sounds familiar?


Break Out Ideas

Eventually many people dry up, curl up and give up.

They become a shadow of their former selves.

You know people like this don’t you?

Yes, we all do.

You may even be one yourself.


What to Do

Seeing your life for what it rally is is the first step.

Who you are today is the result of past activities and decisions you made.

You cannot change the past and live life in the rear-view mirror.

What has gone has gone.

Time for a change.

You can dig deep into yourself and find the spark you had as a younger person.

Remember, as the song goes “When you wore a younger man’s clothes?”



This is the role of Pendragon ideabooks.

Ideabooks are not filled with ideas ready made for you, but they are open, waiting with bated breath, to see what you come up with.

The pages are crying out to be scribed upon and capture your brilliant insights, ideas and plans.


What are You Waiting For?

If you are waiting for someone to give you permission to get creative, then here it is.

I give you permission to be your true self, to confidently express all your ideas and to write down the bare bones of a scheme to be fleshed out and polished later.

You are still at the conception stage and things now are touch and go.

Will you capture your thoughts to clear your cluttered mind for fresh ideas?

Will you carry an ideasbook near to you at all times so you get used to writing down keyworkds or a quick sketch of your master plan?

Is such a small thing likely to make you feel better?

To all the above I say yes, yes, yes.

What are you waiting for?




